HOW TO INSTALL THIS PACKAGE: VBFU (c)JF BAZIN 1995 1. Copy SBMP.EXE and SBMP.HLP to a directory of yours. Or, better, create a new directory such as \FILEM, then put them in it. 2. Copy the VBX files (*.VBX) (if any) to your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. 3. Copy the *.dll file to your \WINDOWS directory 4. Install the program(s) (*.EXE) using the Menu of your "Program Manager" (Choose "File", then "New", then "Program" etc...) 5. You must have VBRUN300.DLL in your \WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory. If you have not, you can download it from any BBS or from Compuserve MSFORUM. 6. Feel free to contact me on Compuserve , my adress is 100600,510. 7. Full support is provided to Registered Version. JF BAZIN 44 Route de Liercourt 80140 HUPPY (FRANCE) Fax from USA, (33). Internls Calls Compuserve E-Mail to 100600,510 Ethernet Email to ------------------------------------------------------------------------